How do I draw up an agency contract that works for everyone?

Agency contracts are certainly not a popular topic in the agency selection or agency cooperation process. As communications specialists, we make it easier for you and support you in the development of a fair and sustainable agency contract.
This allows you to fully dedicate yourself to the exciting, creative side of the agency cooperation, having successfully mastered an essential aspect of agency management.

The agency contract establishes the formal basis and the framework conditions for a fair and successful cooperation. This allows you to further improve cooperation with your agencies. A good agency contract considers not only the present, but is also forward-looking. The agency contract preventatively covers contingencies and potential challenges that may arise during the cooperation.

In this case, it can stay in the drawer until later. You and the agency know about it and no longer have to deal with it quickly.

Over 150 examples of fair contracts

We have many years of experience in drawing up and reviewing all types of agency contracts and have actively helped shape over 150 agency contracts, comprehensively defining the processes and principles of the cooperation. We have made sure that responsibilities are clear, the agency’s tasks and services are well-defined and that the agency remuneration model fairly reflects the agency’s performance. Furthermore, the rule on usage rights ensures there are no surprises once the contract has ended. We cannot offer legal advice of course, but we are happy to work closely with your lawyers and provide the marketing input.

We are not aware of any cases where any agency contract overseen by us has led to a legal dispute. FIrst and foremost because the contracts are comprehensive, unambiguous and complete.

We believe in fairness. We act on your behalf, but in the spirit of a good partnership, we never neglect the interests of the agency and also ensure an appropriate agency fee. The contract thus guarantees a long-term partnership and improves existing relationships with agencies.

What can we do for you?

We offer you the following services in the area of agency contracts:

  • Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung von Agenturverträgen und Agenturvergütungsmodellen im Rahmen von Agenturauswahlprozessen/Pitches
  • Entwicklung von detaillierten Leistungsbeschreibungen
  • Prüfung von Agenturverträgen
  • Entwicklung von Guidelines, um die Zusammenarbeit mit Agenturen zu verbessern
  • Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung von Agenturverträgen und Guidelines für mehrere Geschäftspartner im Rahmen von Agentur-Modellen oder einer Customised Agency

Selbstverständlich arbeiten wir dabei eng mit den Rechtsabteilungen unserer Kunden zusammen oder empfehlen bei Bedarf externe Anwälte, damit auch die juristischen Grundsätze allen Eventualitäten standhalten.


Checkliste Agenturvertrag

Whether your agency contracts are fair for both sides and beneficial to your relationship is just one of the 12 questions on our checklist. With this small test, you can quickly determine whether your agency contract is still sustainable for you as the client.

Are you interested?

We look forward to your inquiry:+49 (0)40 28 66 77 90

Oliver Klein (CEO and Founder)
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