In the first quarter of 2020, Postbank invited to a comprehensive agency pitch for a brand relaunch. The aim is to position Postbank in the course of the first half of 2021 as part of the 2-brand strategy with Deutsche Bank much more aggressively in competition. For this purpose, Postbank was looking for a partner who has a common command of all essential, in particular digital, communication disciplines, such as brand and campaign management, ATL and BTL instruments, content and social media or comprehensive communication programs for new and existing customers.

The pitch was accompanied by cherrypicker in a multi-stage selection process. Three agencies took part in the final round. Supported by the results of an initial campaign test, Deutsche Bank, to which Postbank belongs, has chosen JvM SPREE as its new partner.

Margret Dreyer

Head of Marketing for Private Customers Postbank

„In the final, we were really spoiled for choice, as all market research tests gave a tight result with high approval rates. I am looking forward to the process that lies ahead of us, in the course of which we will position the Postbank brand in the market in a much more offensive and distinguishable manner and want to work out the brand proposition evenmore clearly.“

Tim Alexander

CMO Private Customer Bank at Deutsche Bank

„The logic of two brands with different service promises in the market is the basis of our private customer business in Germany. It is important to have a customer-centeredpositioning while at the same time delimiting the brands. Overall, we look back on a very creative and inspiring pitch process, from which JvM SPREE emerged as the winner. I look forward to the cooperation.“

Sven Rebholz

Managing Director Jung von Matt SPREE

„My partner Jan Harbeck and I are looking forward to working with our teams and an innovative, courageous customer to shape the next chapter in Postbank's brand history. The connection of data, technology and creation will make all the difference. And our agency's many years of expertise in the financial sector will help to make the brand promise tangible in all levels of the funnel.“
new business

Postbank bittet zum Pitch

11.03.2020 | Im Banken-Sektor sorgen nicht nur die zum Teil selbstverschuldeten Finanzmarkt-Probleme bzw. die Niedrigzins-Phase für Schwierigkeiten. Auch die Digitalisierung stellt die Finanz-Häuser vor gewaltige Herausforderungen. In solchem Umfeld kommt dann auch schnell das Thema Marken-Verständnis und Kommunikation auf die Tagesordnung.

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Jung von Matt und GGH buhlen um Postbank

02.09.2020 | Den Wettbewerb um den Etat der Postbank machen zwei Teilnehmer unter sich aus. W&V-Informationen zufolge sind das die Hamburger Agenturen Jung von Matt und GGH Mullen Lowe.

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Jung von Matt gewinnt den Pitch bei der Postbank

29.09.2020 | Die Agentur Jung von Matt kann sich über einen wichtigen Etatgewinn freuen. Nach einem Pitch mit drei Teilnehmern holt ein Team um die beiden Berliner Standortchefs Sven Rebholz und Jan Harbeck den Etat der Postbank und wird deren neue Leadagentur. In dieser Funktion löst JvM/Spree den bisherigen Etathalter BBDO ab.

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