Which agency and which core team is best suited for my individual task? How much pitch fee do I have to pay? What investments do agencies make to win new business and what impact does this have on my agency management?
The price of the price
How are customers and agencies dealing with the current cost increases?
This white paper is intended to provide answers to these questions. The basis is the result of cherrypicker’s industry survey, in which more than 230 agencies and over 50 companies were surveyed online in November 2023.

Pitch better in 2021
The current Better Pitching 2021 survey – The cherrypicker industry barometer among 588 agencies and marketing units now provides new insights on the topic of pitching and ensures industry-wide transparency around the selection process.
Pitch fees survey 2019: What is currently appropriate and sensible?
The largest representative industry survey on pitch costs and managing pitches. On the appropriate level of pitch costs and the opinions of prominent agency representatives. Essential reading for anyone in marketing.

Trends 2019: the year of decision
cherrypicker has analyzed the future of the communications industry and written corresponding theses for collaboration between customers and agencies. The result: 2019 will be the year of decision.
The perfect agency selection process
The systematic agency selection process begins with answering the core question: “Which agency and which core team is best suited for my individual task?”
A systematic, careful and professional agency selection process increases the likelihood of success enormously.

Pitching for the price of a mid-range car?
What investments do agencies make to gain new business? And what consequence does this have on your agency management? The cherrypicker survey provides detailed insights into new business activities and agency investments for the first time.
Agency contract checklist
Whether your agency contracts are fair for both parties and beneficial for your relationship is just one of 12 questions on our checklist. With this little test you can quickly determine whether your agency contract is still viable for you as the client.

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If you don’t want to miss any new white papers and news about cherrypicker, THE BEST AGENCY and the New Business Circle, then sign up for our newsletter here.
The 8 trends of 2018
The year 2018 will be characterized by a mega topic: change.
Full service becomes FULL THINKING© –
360° is dead, the lead agency model is on the road to success, the customized agency is becoming more and more popular and much more.

How much pitch fee do I have to pay?
How high is an appropriate pitch fee for your task and why is a pitch fee a sensible investment for you as the client? With this white paper, cherrypicker offers initial pitch advice.
The agency industry is in transition
What does the future hold for the agency industry and your agency management? What is the significance of the agency of the future or the customized agency? What exactly is decoupling? What is the significance of performance-related compensation? In its role as an agency management and pitch consultancy, cherrypicker takes a look into the crystal ball.

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